TopObtaining FSSC22000
Obtaining FSSC22000 certification and
working towards safety and security
What is FSSC22000?
FSSC2200 is an international food safety management system that inspects and certifies for food safety that combines general hygiene management, risk management and quality management using common international standards.
With the philosophy of helping society by respecting customers and cultivating producers, since its foundation in 1962, Kunitaro has had the mission of delivering peace of mind, and the joy of flavour to the dining table through indulgent products such as green tea, coffee and black tea. The company works on safety and security through common goals with producers, processors and distributors and one aspect of this initiative was to obtain FSSC22000 certification for the food safety management system for company business from production to sale.
Kunitaro puts safety and security first to create products with
value that fulfil the needs and services required by consumers.
Food safety policy
Kunitaro Co., Ltd. creates products that always put safety, security, human rights, labour and the environment first with all employees playing a part in the food supply chain based on the founding corporate philosophy of helping society by respecting customers and cultivating producers.
In order to do this, we will aim to improve quality management and food safety and work on building a food safety management system.
Furthermore, we develop new products with a high level of customer satisfaction. We also increase the loyalty of our customers and contribute to society.
【 Food safety full observance requirement 】
We observe laws, ordinances and regulations, demand food safety as a requirement from our partners and offer products that are in consensus and compatible with the flavour demands of our customers.
The timing of food safety policy and regulation requirements are separate from the timing of changing food safety demands in consensus with customers and flavour demands as well as the timing of implementation status by the social environment.
Food safety goals in food safety policy are re-set annually and executed by all employees.
We make sure that all employees have a thorough and consistent stance on food safety policy and the food safety management system.
We work hard to communicate the contents of our food safety policy and food safety management system to our suppliers and contractors and work with them to solve any problems.
【 Food safety management system IT operation management policy 】
Traceability operation management is implemented with safety checks on each process and IT management systems with the necessary management requirements.
We list products that are not possible to make with problem-solving operation policy and regulation requirements and report the reasons and details of discussions to the president.
The principles of quality management and safety management systems are determined from weak points after written tests are implemented as necessary (divided into procurement of materials, critical control points for product management, etc., people management requirements and required conduct procedures, etc.) and are re-used as study and training themes.
Quality management system
Storage that conserves the flavour of tea and nori seaweed
Changes in flavour are mainly caused by humidity, temperature, oxygen and light. Kunitaro purges nitrogen to get rid of oxygen that comes from packing the raw materials in aluminium bags. We also maintain flavour and prevent changes in quality by storing in refrigerators or freezers.
Quality improvement committee
We analyse the components of soil that is required to cultivate tea in our lab and conduct research to create delicious and safe products.
Scientific component analysis/sensory function testing system

The taste and aroma of tea can be scientifically evaluated through analysis of its components including total nitrogen, amino acids, theanine, fibre, caffeine and tannins. Furthermore, sensory function testing compares the tea’s shape, colour, brewing colour, aroma and taste; this is how we select for quality.
Quality hygiene inspection system

We have a hygiene inspection lab where experts test viable bacteria counts and coliform bacteria, checking for safety before packaging.